My family finished up a wonderful week at our favorite vacation spot. Our time was near perfect to our expectations and we enjoyed every minute of being together - with the exception of the 14 hour travel time from home to our hideaway. As we neared the end of our time away I noticed things: none of us wanted the time to end.
Some of us got cranky and some became sad. Some got anxious and started packing early. Some procrastinated packing until the very last second perhaps thinking that if they put it off it might never need to happen and we could stay indefinitely.
I found that as we visited the local souvenir shop that other people seemed to have the same thought. They were searching for that perfect token to trigger memories of the time they wanted to remember and wished would never end.
I have found that endings are often viewed as negative events. Think of the endings you have experienced in your lifetime. Even as a young child we experienced endings (positive or negative): the end of crawling around when we started walking as our mode of transportation; school years ticking by; friendships change as re-locations happen; we finish great books or TV series that we have enjoyed; our first job ends; a deadline on a project ends; vacations come and go and time moves on as life offers more choices to begin new things, tasks, projects, experiences, and relationships.
Think about this thought: "No one knew better than a gardener that life never stayed static. Cycles were necessary, for without them there was no bloom." - Nora Roberts, In the Garden Trilogy.
I like this thought: if not for the life cycle of each project, issue, relationship...we would not experience vibrant color and sweet fragrance that each brings to our lives. We would miss those sweet blooms of taking vacations with family, the fragrance of life as we watch our children grow and experience life on their own, the vibrant eye-catching color of passion and romance in relationships, the showy palette of a project completed and accomplishment experienced as shade on our journey.
Endings don't have to be viewed as negative. Within the perspective that something better is in the next bloom cycle, one can enjoy the current aesthetics of current bloom cycle and look forward to the next season at the same time.