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ˈrezənənsthe quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating.
resonance of his voice"
the ability to
evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions."the concepts lose their emotional resonance"
(Pasted from <https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=definition%20of%20resonance>)
There is so much to
say on this topic, I am going to break this down into two days of
writings. It makes my head swim to think
of the ramifications of resonance in my life.
Today, I'll take on thinking through the positives of resonance. Later, I'll explore what might hinder resonance in our lives.
I think of resonance
all the time as a musician. As a vocal
teacher, I have the opinion that the ability to create resonance is one of the qualities that sets one
vocalist apart from the other. I work a
lot with my students on being aware of
the sound they are creating and what it feels like/sounds like when they
are resonating fully. When they resonate
fully there is a richness, a depth to the sound that makes you want to hear
more. I also have to consider what
impedes resonance and not only try to explain that to my students but
demonstrate it as well.
As a pianist, I know
that if I play a single note on my acoustic piano, push the damper pedal down
and listen carefully, I can hear the overtones of that note vibrating on other
strings. One single note affecting multiple
strings around it. There is a scientific
explanation for that, but I don't want to go down that road right now. If I release the damper pedal, the felts fall
onto the strings and I am left with the resonance of one single note as long as
that one note is held down.
That knowledge
brings me to where my thoughts are this morning on resonance in our lives. What overtones are created in those around me
as I live my life? Am I even aware of the
effect I have on others? What dampens
and impedes my resonance into the lives of those around me?
How we interact with
others creates resonance. Your persona
creates resonance. Motivation is
resonance. I believe body language and facial expression create
unvoiced resonance. Words and tone
create resonance. Style creates
resonance. You have heard the phrase
"She/he brings out the best/worst in me." That is resonance.
I have come to
believe that in life inner resonance will shine through if someone journeys
with you long enough. Inner resonance
cannot be hidden for long. One can throw
up road blocks, take on another image, speak in certain ways or do things to
fit into specific surroundings, but that deep inner resonance will shine
through even those actions.
could resonance look like to those around us?
Here might be just a few words to describe what resonance might look
like or even feel like: "affection for others, exuberance about
life, serenity, a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in
the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people,
loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life and an ability to
marshal and direct our energies wisely." (Gal 5:22-23 MSG)
"When people of similar frequencies come together, output is not a simple sum of individual work, but exponential. In science we term this phenomenon as resonance. Output at this state is beyond any logical limit." - Ravindra Shukla, A Maverick Heart: Between Love and Life
Resonance looks like many things in my life. I challenge myself with the thought that it
is possible that every encounter someone has with us...has the possibility to
resonate something within them. I pause to
reflect on that statement because of the sheer power of the words. It's more than the words I speak, but HOW I
interact as my motives shine through.
overtones am I creating with my life in the lives of those around me?
such deep stuff, deb, thanks.