Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What makes you strong?

I love to read.  It doesn't matter what medium:  Nook, paperback or audible.  Reading brings me pleasure and opens up the world of new thoughts and ideas.  

I have always loved reading (Thanks Mom for reading to me as a kid!).  I remember when I was in sixth grade in Union Elementary (River View School District in Ohio), the library was my favorite room in the school.  I would often check out ten books or more at a time (The librarian was my friend.) and I would read them in a week and turn them back in for ten more.  Instead of going to the card file (Remember those little index cards?), I would peruse the shelves...looking at the covers...opening them to read snippets of the story and see if what I read piqued my interest.  I read ALL kinds of books:  fiction, non-fiction, biographies, autobiographies...whatever else was left...even how-to books.  Reading was an escape into other people's world.  It was better than TV or a movie.  

Two years ago, a book was suggested to me by a friend that really made me think about what creates joy within me.  The book was Find Your Strongest Life.  It suggested that when we are passionate about something we feel strong. It makes us feel good and creative and at our best.  This got me thinking in a new direction with new vocabulary which made me think new thoughts.  The author, Marcus Buckingham, asked the reader to finish the sentence..."I feel strong when..."

So here they are -- my top five:
  • I feel strong when I am teaching the "hows" of creating music....how to exude passion in your voice and through your instrument...and in showing my students -- (those who are above the rudimentary skills level) that they hold the key opening up the story inside each piece of music.  It takes analysis to find the individual secret within each student because no two students are the same, as well as the creativity to explain it how they can grasp it.  If at first you don't succeed...describe it again in a different way.  It is most fulfilling when they respond and find the passion within themselves.  It makes me feel like I am making a difference in their path as I help them find the key inside their spirit that unlocks the melody within.  It creates another path of joy. 
  • I feel strong when I'm sharing ideas with others (in general)...listening to theirs...seeking truth....and considering.  Not necessarily finding an answer...but it's the journey..the process that invigorates me...a think tank of sorts.  I love the brainstorming...throwing out ideas...taking things apart...and figuring out the whys and hows...regardless of how silly or crazy.  I like to do this with all generations...anyone who will join in the fun.  I love it when the ideas aren't thrown out to persuade...and the pressure isn't there to make a decision.  It generates a creativity within me that I love.
  • I feel strong when I am playing/singing and telling the story of the song myself...connecting with a piece of music just for me.  I get lost and time just flies by...especially if I am writing or creating original music. If others are listening in...so be it....even better perhaps to see if I can get them to glimpse what I see/feel.  It doesn't matter if I'm with a band or by myself.  I like the playing off the band members...if they will let themselves be free...and feel and create.  The power of the collective is amazing at that point.  This creates a deep sense of peace..purpose...and yet energizes me.
  • I feel strong when I am doing something for myself...such as reading...exercising..sitting by the sea...soaking up vitamin D...even weeding the garden....taking time for me.  This is my refuel time.  It gives my brain time to be free...think of whatever.  Sometimes my best processing is done in the quiet of doing something as I described.  A thought path can be followed...and hammered out...and put back together again...with Plans...A, B, C, et cetera.  There is no end to the options, opportunities.
  •  I feel strong when I can make order out of chaos.  This could be ...organizing things, trips, people, or thoughts or even designing a garden.  I like breaking down a task into smaller bite sized pieces. Even though I love creating uncluttered order, if conflict gets injected into the mix, it totally loses its strengthening power, and becomes a weakness. 
The exercise was eye opening in pinpointing what made me feel "strong".  Crazy me...at first I had to process whether or not it was okay to feel "strong".  At that point in time in my life I was feeling anything but strong or having positive self-worth.  However, I was able to narrow down times when I felt strong and looking back, it is a good blueprint of how I was created to be.  I needed to read it and recognize those strengths within myself.  After all, I believe growth happens when I look deep inside myself and am able to view myself with a different lens.  

So..what makes YOU feel strong?

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